About Lee Elementary
Lee School prides itself on the quality of its educational program, the caring nature of its staff, the enthusiasm of its students and the high level of support provided by parents. We are a supportive school community, where we promote relationships and celebrate diversity.
There are 350 students who attend Kindergarten through Sixth grade classes at Lee. In addition to the general education classrooms, we are fortunate to have also have a Kindergarten-2nd Grade Communication Classroom at Lee School. The 60 staff members who work at Lee are committed to helping all of our students experience success in a safe learning environment.
Principal Weekly Update
Wednesdays, Early Release at 1:30pm
Tuesday, February 4th/5th: Dental Health Presentations, K-3 and 6th grade
Friday, February 7th: Spanish Bi-BOB @ Trost, 8-10:45, 3rd-6th
Week of Feb 10th: Kindness Week
Monday, Feb 10th: School Board Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 12th: PTO Parent Meeting
Thursday, Feb 13th: Dining for Dollars at Burgerville 5-8, bring flyer
Tuesday, Feb 11th-13th: Dental Screening, K-3 and 6th grade
Wednesday, February 12th: PTO Meeting, Learning Center
Monday, February 17th: No School, Presidents Day
Friday, February 28th: 4th Grade Field Trip to Rice Museum
Stay up-to-date with events and information on the Lee Elementary School website and Canby School District website. |